We are starting a new year full of opportunities and renewed chances to connect
with our fellow Compatriots.
Through our chapter and state meetings we will also meet new Compatriots brought into our chapters and state society through the hard work of our registrars. Let’s do our best to welcome these new Compatriots and get them excited about being a member of COSSAR by illustrating the value of their membership and introducing them to all the activities we do
throughout the year. Providing these new Compatriots copies of The Colorado Patriot in addition to your chapter newsletters is one way to offer a great introduction to what we do and the type things we are involved in. It may also spur an interest in them to perhaps volunteer some of their time and talent to help us improve as an organization.
Last year our society had a full year of activities and the purpose of The Colorado
Patriot is to give the state society, chapter, or a Compatriot a chance to share those activities to the entire COSSAR membership. Our hope is to start publishing The Colorado Patriot every quarter. Please send an article or two highlighting an activity from your chapter you wish to include in The Colorado Patriot. It could also be a human interest story from one of your members on a topic related to one of the three Objects of the SAR which are patriotic, historical, and educational. An example could be memorializing their Patriot with an
interesting story. Please provide captions for any photos.
On another note, mark your calendars for our upcoming COSSAR Annual Meeting
on Saturday, January 18th. This is your Society’s annual meeting in which you will be electing state officers for the 2020 term, approving next year’s budget, voting on by-laws changes approved by the BOM, and overall planning for the year.
Another important date is our COSSAR George Washington Luncheon which will be held this year on Sunday, February 16th at the Arrowhead Golf Club in Roxborough Park. The Keynote Speaker will be our National Society President General John T. Manning. Come and meet PG Manning, First Lady Sheila, and your new COSSAR Officers. You will also be taking part with your recognition and support during award presentations to well-deserved individuals, COSSAR Compatriots, and selected Public Safety officials for their outstanding service and achievement. As always we are delighted to have our COSSAR Color Guard
attend and perform the Posting and Retrieval of the Colors.
On behalf of the officers and committee members of the Colorado Society, SAR I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year.
Rick Neeley , COSSAR President