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Outreach Programs



Youth & Education Outreach Programs

The goals of the COSSAR Youth & Education Outreach Program's are to augment Colorado schools curriculum on the American Revolution by bringing to the classroom period-dressed presenters with what we call a "Patriot's Chest" full of Colonial reproduction items of the period they can look at and touch, recognize American History teachers who distinguish themselves in teaching the history of the American Revolution, and award students for outstanding work in the community .  

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Interested in the history of the founding of the United States of America?


Educational Outreach Awards

Dr. Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all American history teachers, whose approved curriculum teaches students about the American Revolution era from 1750 to 1800, to apply for the Dr. Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award. The award is open to all teachers at the elementary, middle school or high school levels at a recognized public, private, or parochial institution. While the preliminary rounds of the award program begin at the local chapter level, teachers may eventually advance to the state and national levels.

The American History Teacher Award recognizes educators who distinguish themselves in teaching the history of the American Revolution.

Please email your questions toThe Colorado Society contact  Wayne Snodgrass 

Contest Information and Instructions can be found on the National Society Sons of the American Revolution website at and click on Education. If you have any questions please send an email and we will respond. 



 George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest.

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all high school students (9th through 12th grades) interested in the American Revolution to participate in the George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest. The contest is open to all US Citizen and Legal Resident students attending home schools, public, parochial, or private high schools in that same grade range. The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this program on the 2017-18 NASSP List of Approved Contests, Programs, and Activities for Students.

To participate, students must submit an original 800- to 1,200-word essay based on an event, person, philosophy or ideal associated with the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. Each student’s essay will be judged based upon its historical accuracy, clarity, organization, grammar and spelling, and documentation.

Please email your questions toThe Colorado Society contact John McFarland 

Contest Information and Instructions can be found on the National Society Sons of the American Revolution website at and click on Education. If you have any questions please send an email and we will respond. 




American History Teachers Award

Eagle Scout Award

Eagle Scout Award

The Colorado Society of the Sons of the American Revolution proudly supports Boy Scouts of America units located in Colorado by providing an annual certificate of recognition and medal at both the chapter and state levels.  Upon completing the application and submitting an original 500 word essay on some aspects of the American Revolution, the selected state winner receives the SAR Eagle Scout Trophy and $250 for post high school education.  Details, with critical additional information may be found by downloading the documents below. Even more details may be found on the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution website here.


Eagle Scout Recognition and Scholarship Program


Eagle Scout Recognition and Scholarship Program

The COSSAR Eagle Scout Committee Chairman presents the 2011 Colorado Eagle Scout Award Trophy and a $250 Scholarship check to Eagle Scout Caleb Bacon, Crew 561, Denver Area Council, winner of the State Eagle Scout Competition at the Annual President's Day Luncheon. This distinguished award goes to the most accomplished Eagle Scout in the State as judged on: Leadership in the Unit; Merit Badges: Scouting, Community, Religious and School Activities, ability to research one's own ancestors, and an essay on a American Revolution subject. Our state winner goes on to compete at the National Level for additional awards for his hard work as an Eagle Scout. Parents of the winning Eagle Scout are always invited, as are other prominent members of the Boy Scouts.


Russell Maranto, winner of the 2010 Essay Contest at the 2011 Annual State Conference and Awards Luncheon.  Mr Maranto presented his well received patriotic speach at the Annual State Convention and Awards Banquet on February 19th, 2011, and received a standing ovation from attendees.

Please email your questions toThe Colorado Society contact John McFarland at




We work closely with our communities to keep alive the

Patriotic ideals for our ancestors who fought and died in the American Revolution.

Patriots Chest

The Patriot Chest Program



The Colorado Society Sons of the American Revolution for several years have sent Continental Soldiers dressed in period correct uniforms into the classrooms of 4th and 5th grade classes not to teach Early American History but to help teachers spark student interest in learning about the heritage of their forefathers by letting the students experience what it was like during the Colonial period. We accomplish this by bringing in a “Patriot Chest” full of hands on teaching aids such as reproduction period items like eye glasses, documents with the King George the III tax stamp, colonial eating utensils, plates, games, toys and period clothing they can wear. Our goal is to have several Patriot Chests throughout the State of Colorado available for presentations. The presenters wear a variety period correct dress for the colonial period including Continental soldiers in blue regimental Coat and tri-corn, Riflemen dressed in hunting frocks, militia and civilian attire. Depending on the number of students and outside room we can set up a small Revolutionary War camp.

Please email your questions toThe Colorado Society contact Robert Hampton 


Who We Are


The following is off our National Website at WWW.SAR.ORG


The Sons of the American Revolution is the leading male lineage society that perpetuates the ideals of the war for independence.  As a historical, educational, and patriotic, non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, we seek to maintain and expand the meaning of patriotism, respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the unifying force of "e pluribus unum" that was created from the people of many nations -- one nation and one people.




There are several ways to present our program to the students. If the school  only has a few small  5th grade classes we have combined all the classes and presented in the library, media center or even outside where we can set up a small Revolutionary War camp.  With larger schools we have found that setting up in one classroom and rotating classes through by using the school bell schedule (about 1 hour) works best. Each class would receive a short introduction of presenters and a quick description of their cloths and acctrouments then a 20 to 25 minute demonstration of the colonial period items in the chest at which time they can actually put on period clothing and look at and touch various period items like eye glasses, Tri corn hat, utensils and plates. We then allow the remaining time for questions and photographs.













How COSSAR members can help


In order to greatly facilitate our educational efforts in schools, we are undertaking the creation of the "Patriot Chest", a box of items for our members who participate in education for teachers of American history.  The goals are to create a chest for each Chapter to use in local school "living history" presentations, allowing young Americans to actuall touch and feel reproduction items from the colonial and American Revolutionary periods.  We are currently soliciting monetary and appropriate item donations to create a total of 5 chests, with the first chest being prepared for inspection by COSSAR membership. As a member of COSSAR you can help in three ways:

  • Make a donation (please contact the state treasurer,  for details.)

  • Donate an item appropriate to the period.

  • Offer your services when you are available to make the presentations at the schools.  Uniforms and guidelines for your "persona" (which could be your ancestor) can be provided to enhance the effectiveness of your presentation.

For additional information and booking requests for presentations

The Patriot Chest needs to be filled with items that students of the American Revolution and Colonial period can see and handle.


Examples of the types of items in the Patriot Chest: tea, sugar, lanterns, toys, eating & drinking ware, youth-sized colonial clothing. Perfect for "Show & Tell" at schools.

We'd Love Your Support Today!

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Colorado Society

Sons of the American Revolution

501(c)(3) Non Profit organization

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